Responsive Prayer: Regeneration

This responsive prayer is an adaptation of “Regeneration” from the Valley of Vision. It is a prayer of thanksgiving for the new life we’ve been given through Christ and a prayer of petition that God would help us live as new creatures.

O God of the highest heaven,
You are worthy to be
praised with every breath,
loved with every faculty of soul,
served with every act of life.

We were once dead in our sin,
having no eyes to see You,
no ears to hear You,
no taste to relish Your joys,
no intelligence to know You;

But Your Spirit has made us alive!
You have brought us into a new world as new creatures!
You have loved us, adopted us, and called us Your own.

Let us lay aside every sin of this world;
Help us to walk with You
that we may be salt of the earth and a blessing to all.

–adapted from “Regeneration” (The Valley of Vision) © 1975 The Banner of Truth Trust